Thursday, 28 March 2013


Life is always full of situations where we have  to make choices. Life in itself is a choice because one can choose either to live or become suicidal. If we make the right choices then the outcome will be positive. The aftermath of the alternative will definitely be negative.Not making a choice about any situation is still a negative choice. What I mean by this is, if  we always wait for others to to make choices for us. Always flippant  about everything. Whenever  asked for ones personal opinion on anything the response will always be "you decide'', '' I don't care " or " either way is fine with me'' even on important  matters.These are the lazy brains; always bent too quickly to listen and go for other people's opinions unable to stand on their own. They flow in too many directions.
Such people normally are not confident  of themselves. They are never assets in the society because they cannot invest in any kind of relationship; talk about business to friendship or any other kind of a relationship.
The  remedy to this whole idea boils down to  confidence. To become a self-assertive and self-motivated person, one has to be self-esteemed which brings about the idea of confidence. Self-esteem is brought about by self-love; Ones own happiness in thoughts and feelings being totally important.

Thursday, 21 March 2013


Everyone desires to be loved, and not just loved but genuinely loved. This is a place where we could all share our joys of life and find solace when our hearts are just too heavy to bare. Just when our wheel of life has stiffen then this authentic love could keep it rolling. Just when we feel like like we need this amazing motivation to cruise higher to our vision and destiny, to achieve to the zenith of our  strength then that's where we can think  of running  to. Many times or at all times we never want to doubt this love that one day it may fail us. We want to be optimistic, to look at the brighter side of love. When the alternative happens, our porcelain heart breaks into pieces that we never see it getting mended and having to believe in love again. All types of love have, are and will always fail us at one point in our lives. Even after the heart breaks we  find ourselves somehow desperately yearning to be loved again or we find  ourselves rejecting love and hating it, vowing never to love again....we give up on love in the fear that we might get hurt again.
At this point we reject even the one true love that has always been there all along and we have been taking it for grunted. Love that has loved despite our faults  and imperfectness. Love that still loves even when we hurt this love. Love that looks straight into your eyes and genuinely says,'' you are beautiful and I love you'' even when the whole world says that you have not attained its standards of it actually it defines as beauty. Still, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.  Just when the whole world has failed us  that is when we actually remember that God's love has passed the test of time.
It's a kind of love that has always been taken for granted, dismissed just by a wave of the hand as if we actually deserve it but in real sense we do not. God is love. He loves us with our imperfectness,  in our sinful nature. I know it sound rather cliche because this is one thing that has been said over and over again, from generation to generation but this is just one truth that will stand forever.  If we just sat back and  thought of how time after time we've done that which does not please Him but somehow we've  not faced the real repercussions of our actions then we would not assume His amazing love.
His love is so amazing that nothing can separate us from Him. It's so unfailing we just can't live without it, it takes us through all faces of life.
So amazing, so unfailing

Friday, 15 March 2013

Setting Our Selves Free.


'We are not prisoners  of our past, but pioneers of our future.' Every time i think about this phrase, it makes me think, generally about life. Most of the times when we think about our past and we get to realise that the thoughts are unpleasant we tend to make our minds forget about the past. There and then we start  thinking of our present times. We also realise that it may also not be exactly be what we would want it to be   like because the difference between the past and the present is utterly minute.
All this unpleasant thought draw us back into our own corners, the corners which according to us is quite comfortable. This is the place I refer to as our comfort zones where at least our minds will not have to face the truth .There are times we even dread talking to someone about our problems in the fear that the next minute we might be the laughing stock of the society. We  sit back in our comfort zones and drown ourselves in self-pity. Worse we even fear talking to our own creator because according to us  He is the first person that we blame our problems on.
Its like running a race but in the process we fall down in a ditch. We look at our counterparts and see them soldering on. We get to compare ourselves to them and this greatly discourages us . We then choose to stay inside the ditch. We think it's much better  being inside there  than stand up and letting the whole world see us standing up from the ditch and letting them know that at one point in our lives we fell down.
Our own perception about  our own life situations does not make us realise  that failures at one point in our lives offer lessons on what failed to work.
Why can't we choose to change our attitude? Why can't we choose to be pertinacious? When a hurdle comes on our way to victory we can choose to face it head-on. Even if it hurts,we should not shun crying, get a good cry, embrace resilience and bounce back to life then solder on. After all, can't we realise  that  this hurdles  inculcate the virtue  of endurance  in our lives? No one is ever considered a victor until he goes through the battle field. There after we can be assured of a better future.
'We are not prisoner of the past but pioneers of the future'
But yet again, we have to realise that our future is now. Our past is gone and our future is beginning.Not unless we choose to change our mindset about our lives and do something about them, we will still dwell  inside our comfort zones. Being in the comfort zones means  shrinking ourselves and our potentials. Not unless we apply a positive force on them they will always remain untapped.
The ball is in your court, choose to dribble it or step on it and fold your hands.

Monday, 11 March 2013


we all dream, dreaming while hoping that one day our dreams would come true. You could probably be sitting on a chair in a simple room but you are already visiting your dream country and that is just be one of your wildest dream. Your dream could probably be hoping to be one of the most reputable designers in the world and signing contracts with great fashion designers like Victoria secrets and house of Dereon.
But interestingly enough, did you just notice that so long as you are still sitting on that chair and still dreaming, those dreams are nothing but mere fantasies that come and go with the wind?
So long as we keep day dreaming and absolutely do nothing about them then all those wishes can be equated to vanity.
It's so amazing how a great percentage of the world  is good at planning but the remaining percentage are the one who actually take the initiative to  execute the plan. When the year is coming to an end, it is saddening to realise that most people cannot account for that year in regard to their former new year's resolution.
If you could take a close look at all the estimable people who who have succeeded in life, this people they are in one way or the other self-motivated people whose dreams are passion driven. Dreams that are not just wishes but dreams that live on. They are alive because some efforts were applied on their dreams. These are dreams that are no where close to fantasies but dreams with visible fruits.
In one way or the other we all have the potential to make it in life but the difference is that the larger percentage of the world is affected by some degree of self-doubt. and as much this may tend to  be one debatable in the society, i believe that though academics have a role in anyone's success, it is more of the self-confidence that truly plays the bigger role.  Passion is what cultivates this amazing factor; chutzpah audacity, guts, whatever you may choose to brand it.
Prosperity is for the minds that not only dream big but those who implement on those dreams. I ts for those who apply some  force to their potential, for those who are self-driven and focus  not on their past failures but look into their future, identify successful opportunities and ride on them to their brighter side of life.


I like the way kids look up to their fathers as superheros. Their perception of their fathers is so interesting, they believe their fathers can overcome all the hiccups of life.
But as they continue to grow and encounter different faces of life, their minds open up and they realise  that after all their fathers are just human beings who at times can encounter situations beyond their own strength.
 probably everyone wants their stronger side of who they are to always  be on toes. i also realised  that  that is how i am. and when a challenge comes my way i find that i expect so much from myself. i become too hard on myself. its like i always expect to be perfect in whatever i do. if that does not happen then i get frustrated. there are times i want to try something new but the fear if not succeeding draws me back. when i feel like the this world expects so much from me but i give back what is not of it's standards then i feel like a failure. there are also times that i have felt so uncertain of my future even as the people surrounding me say that i have a brighter future ahead of me. not even encouragement from myself helps at times.
The more reason why we are humans. Even as i strive to be perfect, to be the person of good reputation, to feel like i have that great sense of direction, as sense that is totally authentic....... the child in me that has always been,is still and will always be fragile is permanently residing in me.Only God can father this child in each and everyone of us.
Just  when we feel all worn out, our father can instill this  great reservoir of strength in us when we ask Him to. Pretending to be all powerful and all knowing as if we can actually handle the intricacies of this world by ourselves is nothing but a mirage and self-delusion
Lets accept the children we are in the inside of us and that with our own strength we ultimately cannot make it in life.

Friday, 1 March 2013


We live in a contemporary world where those who have this high public influence and money are regarded as the most powerful people which is contrary to my chauvinistic belief.
Of cause I have no hard feelings toward this people with great repute in the society, after all they have all the legal grounds to enjoy their status as long as they acquired all this in the right way.
The point that am trying drive across is this, can't we give credit to the right people?
This credit belongs to the socially independent people. This kind of people have always acknowledged the most powerful asset within themselves. This is majorly what makes the difference between the socially independent and their counterpart; the strong minded and the wimps respectively.
The former are always best friends of their own. They adequately invest their minds on anything that will add up to their personal development. They start with the most immediate tool which is a positive self-talk as this is owned by themselves and its part of their lives. A positive self talk is like a daily dosage to this people. Unlike this people with grit, the latter depend on other people to boost their self esteem. As a result, socially independent people are always enjoying self-fulfilment which is truly liberating.
This people who are driven by an absolute sense of integrity,they stand for what they believe in. They are always true to their principles as well as themselves. This amazing people embrace integrity like they actually survived on it. By doing the right thing, they don't have to go out of their way convincing people that they are doing that which is right as their acts of integrity showcases themselves. After all they don't act to get people's approval but God's approval. They are aware that God is the ultimate judge.
They stand for what is right even when the compact majority falls for what is unethical This is because they have a mind of their own that depends on their own principles. They are not swayed in too many directions.
This purpose driven people are self-confident. They voice their own thoughts appropriately without putting other people down. Contrary to what this smart people believe in, the socially dependent ones degrade others so  that they can get a chance to boost their weak  self esteems. The  socially independent  believe in themselves and their thoughts because their thoughts is actually what makes them to be who they are.''As a man thinks, so is he."
They are happy to have their thoughts and feelings towards themselves. Neither do they  invest their energy on negative comments from people nor compare themselves to others. They know who they are.
Lastly, this people bank on  God. They are aware that the best investment  of all time is the one that is done on God. With banking on God  they are assured  of no bankruptcy. God is not a respecter of persons. He welcomes all irrespective of their state.
Naturally, this individuals stand out among people because of how they carry themselves around, talk and relate with people and circumstances in their society.
Courtesy of their character, they are the epitome of what I call, powerful people.



The world today has become so competitive. People are busy running errands of different aspects trying to fulfil their quest of succeeding.
Courtesy of the worlds perception of success, everyone is being led by its dogma that it's success is utterly essential. As a result, the world's compact majority has not been able to attain the highest perception of what is true success.
In retrospect, the world's criterion of its success is utterly different to the criterion of true success. The worlds yardsticks to its own success include; intellectualism, wealth, power, the x-factor, i mean, the list is endless. This fact has been inculcated so much into people's minds that they have forgotten to pursue true success where the truth lies.
Paraphrasing from Romans 12:2.....we should not let our minds be controlled by the standards of this world. Let us face and embrace the highest perspective by letting our minds be transformed by God . There and then we will know what Gods perfect will for our minds which is pleasing to Him. Moreover, His will is not for us to invest our lives on the worldly treasures but the true treasures in heaven.
Like wise, His will is not for our minds to conform to the worldly average perception but embrace the truth, which lies only in Him.
After all, isn't the world in itself vanity?