Monday, 11 March 2013


I like the way kids look up to their fathers as superheros. Their perception of their fathers is so interesting, they believe their fathers can overcome all the hiccups of life.
But as they continue to grow and encounter different faces of life, their minds open up and they realise  that after all their fathers are just human beings who at times can encounter situations beyond their own strength.
 probably everyone wants their stronger side of who they are to always  be on toes. i also realised  that  that is how i am. and when a challenge comes my way i find that i expect so much from myself. i become too hard on myself. its like i always expect to be perfect in whatever i do. if that does not happen then i get frustrated. there are times i want to try something new but the fear if not succeeding draws me back. when i feel like the this world expects so much from me but i give back what is not of it's standards then i feel like a failure. there are also times that i have felt so uncertain of my future even as the people surrounding me say that i have a brighter future ahead of me. not even encouragement from myself helps at times.
The more reason why we are humans. Even as i strive to be perfect, to be the person of good reputation, to feel like i have that great sense of direction, as sense that is totally authentic....... the child in me that has always been,is still and will always be fragile is permanently residing in me.Only God can father this child in each and everyone of us.
Just  when we feel all worn out, our father can instill this  great reservoir of strength in us when we ask Him to. Pretending to be all powerful and all knowing as if we can actually handle the intricacies of this world by ourselves is nothing but a mirage and self-delusion
Lets accept the children we are in the inside of us and that with our own strength we ultimately cannot make it in life.