Thursday, 11 April 2013


Our minds do a daily job of thinking, and our thinking is parallel to what we believe in; our principles. Once our principles have a strong foundation then it means that we are strong because  we actually own them and naturally becomes part of us. They are what actually inculcates a moral fibre in us when  we are faced with compromising situations. They are what  help us  keep a sane mind for a lifetime.Even so,this principles do not just come on a silver platter, they need some major investment for the end result to be firm authentic  and naturally owned.
If one fills the mind with with the right content; watching the right scenes, the mind processes all this and the end product is amazing.
 Just the same way  a new house needs renovation time after time  for it to maintain its good looks so is it for our beliefs. Our very own-invested  principles  need  frequent maintenance  for them to service us.
Birds of  a feather flock together. One needs to keep friends who are like-minded. Friends who will add value to their life and not draw them back.
Moreover, one needs a daily dosage of self-conversation. Being the first person to encourage yourself before anyone else does so.
For anyone to be a  person of great repute  and of cause not just doing  anything to get approved by the world  but doing the right thing regardless of weather the majority is backing you up or not.
So the only way to this is by having positively-invested principles that will guide our minds.
In a  nutshell let us guard our minds,our most important investment.